FBR Report: Graduation of the JSMK Class of 2012
From FBR’s Jungle School of Medicine-Kawthoolei (JSMK)Karen State, Burma March 20, 2012
On February 8, 2013, FBR’s Jungle School of Medicine-Kawthoolei (JSMK) graduated
18 new medics from different areas of Karen State. Several Karen leaders, as well as
villagers and students from a nearby school, and all the JSMK staff gathered to
celebrate with the new graduates.
The new medics completed their 12 months of training, including a 2 months’ foundation
course (physical training, math, English, science, learning to take a patient history,
physical exam, anatomy and physiology). For the next 8 months, the students were
taught the common diseases of Karen State and saw patients in OPD (outpatient
department, or clinic) and IPD (inpatient department or hospital). In December, the
students went on a FBR relief mission to surrounding areas seeing and treating patients
in different locations.
Toh, the Karen medical director of JSMK, says, “Life is hard in the jungle for learning,
but all the students, staff and teachers enjoyed the whole year. The teachers, staff, and
students have to carry food supplies as well as other needs to run a school. No one
complains, instead, everyone hopes that this school stands for the future of improving
health in Karen State.
We want to thank everyone who supports JSMK through prayer, food, medical and non
medical supplies, technical support and teaching. This can only happen through God,
with everyone’s help and support.”
Thank you and God bless you,
the FBR medical team