FBR Report: Rangers Complete Pack Animal and Solar Training
7 April, 2013 Karen State, BurmaWith the expert and generous help of a veterinarian and a solar power team, the Free Burma Ranger team members recently completed pack animal and solar training in Karen State, Burma. For the second year in a row, Dr. John, a veterinarian from America came to share his skills and God’s love with our horse and pack mule team and medics. The Rangers learned how to assess and select horses and mules for pack animals as well as how to help maintain good health in the mountainous environment they work in. The curriculum included diagnosing common diseases, general first aid, hoof care, teeth floating, parasite control, and assessing nutritional needs.
The pack animal teams help to move relief supplies to people displaced by the Burma army and help move supplies in support of FBR trainings such as medical supplies to the Jungle School of Medicine and training supplies for our annual FBR training in Karen State. We are thankful to have Dr. John as part of our team!
In addition to John’s help, Salinee and the Border Green Energy Team (BGET), provided training in the use of solar power as well as the gift of new solar power units. All the solar power used at our training site has been provided by BGET and we are grateful. They proved the power we need and expert instruction to install and maintain each unit. BGET also supports solar power for clinics and FBR humanitarian support bases in the area. This help gives the FBR relief teams the power needed to run communications systems, coordinate humanitarian relief and help care for and when needed transport patients.
The solar power units also provides all of the energy support for the trainings and is literally a light in the jungle. We thank Salinee and all at BGET and the late Walt Ratterman who helped start these solar projects. FBR is able to help others because of the help given by so many wonderful people and organizations such as Dr. John, Salinee, and BGET.
Thank you and may God bless you all,
The Free Burma rangers