FBR Report: Attacks Continue as the Burma Army Maneuvers in Kachin State
Kachin State, Burma 13 April 2013
Below is a list of Burma Army activities in Kachin State and Northern Shan State in April, including attacks, troop movements and resupply operations.
11 April 2013
- Burma Army Infantry Battalion (IB) 50 with 1 bulldozer finished repairing the road from Byeng Wai to Mazup Pa in Mansi Township, which is in the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) 3rd Brigade, 27th Battalion’s area of operation.
- In territory of KIA 1st Battalion, under 3rd Brigade area in Mansi Township, 20 Burma Army troops were sent to Manje to reinforce IB 240 which arrived earlier. A combined force from IB 69 and IB 240 arrived near Pying Kadu where fighting previously took place between the Kachin Independence Organization’s (KIO) civilian militia forces, called MKM and MHH, and the Burma Army. The fighting occurred on April 10, 2013, between 9:25 and 10:30 AM.
- In the operating area of KIA 17th Battalion under 4th Brigade in Kuthkai Township, Northern Shan State, approximately 80 Burma Army troops arrived at Nam Yi, about 100 troops arrived at Pang Palu, about 50 troops arrived at Sin Jai beyond Bang Hkam, and about 40 troops arrived at Man Kang. All troops are from IB 145 and Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 323.
- In territory controlled by KIA 36th and 38th Battalions under 4th Brigade area in Muse Township, Northern Shan State, a combined force of about 100 troops from IB 242 and LIB 568 continued military operations near Ba Hpang.
- In territory under the control of KIA 5th Battalion, 2nd Brigade in Shwegu Township, Kachin State, Burma Army IB 93 and LIB 309 troops are building security camps along Chyaut Gyi, Shwe Nying Chan and Si Sat. They were previously providing security at Pang Hkawn Yang to transport rations and ammunition.
- In territory under the control of KIA 6th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, Hpakant Township, Kachin State, about 50 Burma Army troops from LIB 347 made attacks around Pang Hka.
- In territory under the control of KIA Battalion 11, Brigade 2 in Myitkyina Township, IB 347 troops made attacks at Tang Hpre and nearby places.
- IB 74 troops carried out military operations along the railroad – Sa Maw and Tawng Ni in Mogoung Township, Kachin State.
10 April 2013
- At 09:45 AM, in territory controlled by KIA 1st Battalion under 3rd Brigade in Mansi Township, Kachin State, a combined force of 50 troops from IB 69 and IB 240 carried out military operations to Htamawk Post, where KIA civilian militias MKM and MHH, stationed between Manje and Nazaret, attacked the Burma Army from Pyin Kadu bushes, leaving 2 Burma Army troops wounded. The Burma Army troops then fired nine 60mm mortar rounds and four 120mm mortar rounds.
- In the area of KIA 9th Battalion under 4th Brigade, about 60 troops from Burma Army LIB 507 arrived at Hu Hpyek – Ja Chyai Pa from Ta Mu Nye in Kuthkai Township, Northern Shan State.
- At 3:00 PM, almost 400 Burma Army troops from LID 33 with 28 military trucks were traveling back to Myitkyina from Gang Dau Yang in KIA 5th Brigade area, Waimaw Township, Kachin State.
- At 11:00 AM, in territory controlled by KIA 27th Battalion under 3rd Brigade in Mansi Township, Kachin State, about 60 troops from LIB 502 arrived at Man Wing – Kawng Hkang from Kai Htik.
- In territory controlled by KIA 38th Battalion under 4th Brigade in Muse Township, Northern Shan State, more than 40 Burma Army troops arrived at Ba Hpang and more than 50 arrived at Man Hpye.
7 April 2013
- At 10:25 AM, 15 Burma Army trucks carrying troops from LID 99 and 5 trucks carrying around 35 horses were going back to Bhamo in Kachin State.
- In KIA Battalion 2 area under 4th Brigade, an estimated 200 troops from IB 136 arrived at Mung Ji and troops from another battalion with 8 military trucks arrived at Ta Mu Nya from Kuthkai.
- 60 troops from IB 145 arrived at Nam Hkai and about 50 troops from IB 323 arrived at Man Lung.
- At 8:30 PM, in territory of KIA Battalion 34 under 4th Brigade, an estimated 100 Burma Army troops with 6 trucks arrived at Man Dung in Northern Shan State.
- About 150 troops from LID 33 arrived at Gang Dau Yang.
- A road crew unit from LID 33 with one bulldozer arrived at Na Hpaw in the area of KIA Brigade 5, in Wai Maw Township, Kachin State.
- In territory of KIA Brigade 2, Battalion 5, Burma Army IB 141 and LIB 309 arrived at Pang Hkaw Yang. IB 39 led by Lt. Col. Myu Min Nawng and Major Kyi Hkai divided and did military operations at Wa Wang Bum and Myu La Villages in Shwegu Township, Kachin State.
- At 3:30 PM, in territory of KIA Brigade 5, Battalion 3, troops from Burma Army LID 88 with 15 military trucks went from Man Dawng to Wai Maw where IB 58 is based in Kachin State.
6 April 2013
- At 14:00 PM, 20 Burma Army trucks carried rations and ammunition from Bhamo to Daw Hpun Yang.
3 April 2013
- Burma Army IB 241 and IB 568 launched attacks on Dak Let Bum, where KIA civilian militia MHH and KIA 9th Battalion troops were stationed under KIA’s 4th Brigade in Kut Hkai Township, Northern Shan State. Fighting occurred at 10:10am and again at 4pm.
2 April 2013
- At 07:00am, TNLA troops defended against about 60 troops from Burma Army IB 45 as the Burma Army troops attacked in territory under KIA’s 8th Battalion, 4th Brigade, around Loi Lung, Nam San and Man Sai Hkau Villages in Northern Shan State.
1 April 2013
- At 10:00pm, Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) troops defended against about 60 troops from Burma Army IB 45, which was making attacks in territory under KIA’s 8th Battalion, 4th Brigade, near Man Pang Village in Northern Shan state.
God bless you,
Kachin Free Burma Rangers