Civilians Trapped by ISIS as Kurds Advance

(Warning Graphic Photos)

26 October, 2016

Kurdistan, Northern Iraq

 Kurdish Peshmerga celebrate after liberating Omar Qamshi Photo: FBR

Kurdish Peshmerga celebrate after liberating Omar Qamshi Photo: FBR

Dear family, team and friends,

Thanks for your love and prayers. Some of us are in Kurdistan now helping the Kurds, others of our team are in Burma doing our main mission, while my wife and children are in the US speaking on our planned schedule. Here in Kurdistan ISIS is fighting hard, counter attacking and sending suicide bombers in vehicles as the Kurds attempt to push them out of occupied towns and cities near Mosul. Today we heard that 1,000 civilians near us in the town of Fazzalia (Fadhila) are being held hostage by ISIS. Fazzalia is 13 miles northeast of Mosul and fives north of Basheeqa which is also held by ISIS. ISIS has already killed many families who are trying to flee their areas and we need prayer on how to set them free. Yesterday we accompanied the Kurds (Peshmerga) as they took the town of Omar Qamshi (11 miles north west of Mosul) from ISIS. ISIS fought back but were driven out of the town. There was only one family we know of and we understand they escaped to their family who had come with the Kurds. During the fighting our team helped to take care of the Kurds who were wounded. We also documented the attack and are sorry if the photos below are too graphic- we want you to know the reality on the ground.

Today the attack on Fazzalia was postponed as the Kurds try to find a way to drive ISIS out with out hurting the civilian population. The Kurds are responsible for areas east of Mosul while the Iraqi Army advancing from the South are responsible for Mosul itself. Thanks for praying for us as we try to be ambassadors for Jesus, help those who are trapped and stand with the Kurds as they get their homes and towns back.


Dave and all here

Team treating wounded Kurd Peshmerga outside Omar Qamshi Photo; FBR
Team treating wounded Kurd Peshmerga outside Omar Qamshi Photo; FBR
In the town of Omar Qamshi with dead ISIS fighters Photo: FBR
In the town of Omar Qamshi with dead ISIS fighters Photo: FBR
Town of Omar Qamshi as ISIS defends it Photo; FBR
Town of Omar Qamshi as ISIS defends it Photo; FBR
Kurds advance on Omar Qamshi Photo; FBR
Kurds advance on Omar Qamshi Photo; FBR
Suicide bomber in truck detonates near Kurd troops (Photo JC volunteer with FBR)
Suicide bomber in truck detonates near Kurd troops (Photo JC volunteer with FBR)
Omar Qamshi under attack Photo; FBR
Omar Qamshi under attack Photo; FBR
ISIS who ambushed Kurd column Photo; FBR
ISIS who ambushed Kurd column Photo; FBR
ISIS dead Photo; FBR
ISIS dead Photo; FBR
Wounded Kurd Peshmerga being treated by FBR and Kurd medical team Photo; FBR
Wounded Kurd Peshmerga being treated by FBR and Kurd medical team Photo; FBR
Evacuating wounded Kurds Photo; FBR
Evacuating wounded Kurds Photo; FBR
Kurd wounded in the face - fragment lodged in bridge of nose Photo; FBR
Kurd wounded in the face – fragment lodged in bridge of nose Photo; FBR