Kachin FBR Ranger Killed, Iraqi Coordinator Wounded During Turkish-Backed Free Syrian Army Mortar Strike
3 November 2019
Tel Tamir, Syria

Dear friends,
We are very sad to announce that Zau Seng, our Kachin cameraman and medic from Burma, was killed today, Nov. 3., by a Free Syrian Army/Turkish Army mortar strike that hit our forward casualty collection point where we were assembled to treat the wounded.
Last night, Nov. 2, we had rescued three people from this area successfully but this time we were hit very close, about 10 meters from us. Mohammed, our Iraqi translator and coordinator, was also wounded but is in stable condition in the hospital.
Zau Seng was my brother and hero. He leaves behind a wife, Lunu, and daughter, who celebrated her first birthday today. We pledge to take care of his wife and daughter as much as we can. We believe Zau is with Jesus now, in what the people of Burma call “the undiscovered land.” He has now discovered it.
I know he’s happy and still laughing, as he was always laughing, but we are sad because the world is emptier without him.
This attack happened in the area that the Turks have invaded, about four kilometers north of Tel Tamir. The fighting continues and so we will continue providing medical care and telling the truth about what is happening here. We will do our best to take care of Zau’s family and will continue to take care of Mohammed.
Thank you for your prayers during this time in our sorrow and loss, which is a loss for Burma, for the world, our family, and most of all, for his family.
Zau, my brother, this is to you: I miss you and I love you very much. Thank you for being my brother and for being fearless in all things. Thank you for being a man of love and being patient with me and teaching me so much. I’m sorry for any time I lost my temper with you and was impatient. Thank you for always forgiving me. Thank you for showing me how to live and for putting a light on the world. Thank you for going to another country because as you said, others had helped you. I love you and will miss you until I see you again in heaven.
Thank you and God bless you,
Dave Eubank, family, and the Free Burma Rangers.
Further updates from David Eubank on Twitter