Fighting Continues in Karenni State With 6000 People Newly Displaced in Northern Karenni and Southern Shan State Last Month.
29 September
Karenni State, eastern Burma
19th September 2021, a Karenni Ranger team completed a Good Life Club program at Hto Kwi Hso IDP camp. There are 50 families, 234 people in total, there. These families are displaced from several villages and townships in Karenni State.
7 September 2021, Fighting broke out between Karenni resistance groups and the Burma Army in Daw Poe Si Village near the police station. This action displaced many and some were unable to flee. The location of the IDPs was not reported. The same day the decision was made to send an FBR team to Hwan Tang IDP camp on the border of Kayah State and southern Shan State. They have 14 families and 76 people. These villagers have no food or access to medicine so the team will be providing both to them.
Karenni Ranger teams have been on mission for over three months, providing help, hope, and love to the thousands of displaced people across Karenni State. To date, the team has provided medical treatment to nearly 5000 people, as well as thousands of kilos of rice and basic food, and tarps for families to build shelters during rainy season. Tarps are also used to collect rainwater for drinking and cooking as clean water is not easily accessible to them. The teams remain on mission as the fighting in Karenni state continues.
1 September 2021, the Karenni Ranger team distributed rice and other food in Daw Paw Ku IDPs camp, Dee Maw Soe Township, Karenni State. The IDPs reported to the team that they don’t have access to any food, it is too dangerous to return to their village or farm, and supply routes have been blocked by Burma Army. The total population of the camp is 167 people, or 36 families. They are displaced from 6-mile village and Daw Ngan Khar Village, Dee Maw Soe township. They started to flee on May 21, 2021, when fighting broke out between the Karenni resistance and the Burma Army.
31 August 2021, 13:00 local time, fighting began between Karenni resistance groups and the Burma Army in Loi Lin Lay Village, Loikaw Township, Karenni State, and then again at 20:00 in Ngwe Taung Village.
26 August 2021, the Ranger team traveled to Bla Blom IDPs camp in Phe Khon Township. This camp was established three months ago and now holds 514 IDPs displaced from six nearby villages. One hundred are from 6-mile village, 12 are from Dee Maw Soe, 20 from Na Na Daw (in Loikaw), 50 from Nyoun Khom Village, 11 from See Mi Law Village, and 321 in Bla Blom Village. The team completed a Good Life Club program and distributed medicine. 150 children and 45 men participated in the program.
25 August 2021, IDP camp in Phe Khon Township, Karenni State, Burma: Karenni Ranger teams completed a Good Life Club program, food, and tarp distribution, and medical program for 307 Internally Displaced People (IDPs) who have established a new camp, called “Kaung Htu.” The camp is a combination of 185 people from Los Lon Village and 122 people from Set Daw Villager who fled fighting between Karenni resistance groups and the Burma Army.
Below, pictures of Karenni families displaced by Burma Army attacks, in their hide sites.