The Eubank Family Summer Schedule
25 July 2022
United States
Dear friends,
Thank you for all of your prayers and your help that enable us to help others in need. We are in the US now and with Sahale and Suuzanne who were with us on the last Burma missions. They will be going back to Texas A&M University in August.
My email is the best way to reach us while we are in the states. Which is
Below is our summer schedule:
23-28 July: Christian rodeo camp near Oroville, WA, where the girls lead worship and are counselors and Pete is competing.
29-30 July: Climbing in Rainier area and at Dawsons’ in Seabeck.
31 July: Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Church in Fall City, WA, Speaking at both the 8:30 and 10:00 am services.
1-2 August: driving from Washington to Cody, Wyoming.
3-8 August: Rodeo and speaking in Cody, Wyoming, Sunday, 7 August, at Streams of Life Church.
9-13 August: climbing in the Tetons and visiting friends.
14 August: Worship with the Pierce family and fly from Salt Lake City to Anchorage, Alaska.
15 August: Anchorage, Alaska; staying with the Arnolds.
16-21 August: Port Alsworth, Alaska, visiting Lake Clark Bible Church.
22-29 August: Anchorage, Wasilla, Palmer, and Kingdom Air Corp.
30 August: Fly to Salt Lake City and go to Calvary Chapel, St George and Hurricane.
31 August: PAW at CCSG/H.
1-6 September: Malibu area.
7 September: Calvary Chapel Murrieta, evening service.
8-11 September: Albuquerque, NM, and Calvary Albuquerque (ReLoad Love).
12-15 September: Colorado Springs, Colorado.
16-19 September: FBR board meeting at Evergreen, Colorado.
20-22 September: meetings in Tampa, Florida.
23 September: Colorado
24 -27 September: Midland, Texas: First Presbyterian Church, Midland.
28 September: Abilene and Dallas.
29-30 September: College Station, Texas.
1-16 October: in and around Texas.
17 October -23 November: Mission to Iraq and Syria.
24 November onwards: Burma missions.
I’m sorry if we miss some of you but forward to seeing all of you somewhere!
Thank you so much for praying for us and helping us and being such an encouragement. We cannot do any of this very well without you. Whenever we stop and pray to eat we always thank God for you all and please let us know how to pray for you as well. Look forward to seeing you whenever we can.
Thanks and God bless you,
Dave, family and FBR