The Burma Army is Losing Grip on Economic Corridor in Kutkai Township, Shan State: Burma Army Attack Report in Northern Burma, February 2023
April 2023
Kachin State, Northern Shan State, and Sagaing Division, Burma
The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) reported a total of 116 military clashes during the month of February, 2023 in Kachin State, northern Shan State, and Sagaing Division, Burma, due to the Burma Army’s presence in this region. The amount of overall activity increased significantly from the previous month’s 79 clashes. In February, the Burma Army attacked the Ethnic Armed Organizations’ (EAO) controlled regions on 87 occasions, including 39 armed clashes, 38 uses of artillery/mortars, and 10 airstrikes.
Apart from the 116 military clashes, the KIA recorded a total of ten human rights abuses committed by Burma Army soldiers and their allies. These human rights abuses include killing a total of eight civilians with bombings and shootings, extorting civilians, and wounding three children with landmines.
Kutkai Township was the most active township with 42 military incidents followed by Mansi Township with 26 incidents. The spike in activity in Kutkai Township likely indicates the Burma Army seeks to assert control over the Lashio-Muse NH3 Highway, which serves as a vital trade route for the Burma Army to and from China. The Burma Army reportedly used Light Infantry Division (LID) 99, Military Operations Command (MOC) 17 to reinforce the area, supported by artillery and airstrikes. Separately, military reports of violence in Hpakant Township reduced from 24 to 10 incidents, indicating an overall reduction of hostilities around the Hpakant area and its jade mines.

Kachin State
Bhamo Township
On February 12, 2023, at 0900 hrs, Infantry Battalion (IB) 47 fired six 81mm mortar rounds to the sides of Tabye Kung (47R LG 160 822) and Ne Ni (47R LG 151 811), in Bhamo Township.
Hpakant Township
On February 4, 2023, at 1250 hrs, two jet fighters coming from the Burma military southern division bombarded KIA 41st Battalion HQ, Nawng Pung Gau Gwi, leaving one Kachin People’s Defence Force wounded, in Hpakant Township.
On February 6, 2023, between 1510-1610 hrs, Shanni Nationalities Army (SNA, a Burma Army proxy force) based at Yekatar village were bombed with a drone by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) soldiers from 44th Battalion, leaving one killed and five others wounded, in Hpakant Township.
On February 8, 2023, at 0730 hrs, a soldier from Infantry Battalion (LIB) (111) shot an unidentified driver to death after a brawl at a checkpoint between fuel truck drivers and Burma Army soldiers from LIB (111) (based at Hwi Lung village), in Hpakant Township.
On February 8, 2023, at 2135 hrs, combined forces of KIA militiamen and Kachin People’s Defense Force (KPDF) fired six rounds of grenade launcher at No.28 Police Station by the road to Maw Wan bridge, in Hpakant Township.
On February 9, 2023, between 2000-2200 hrs, LIB (2) based at Nam Seng Bum fired two 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Labang Kahtawng, in Hpakant Township.
On February 13, 2023, at 2230 hrs, five KPDF soldiers confronted Burma Army troops in front of the Mawsiza school. The Burma Army troops arrested two KPDF soldiers and shot one dead in front of the school while two others escaped, in Hpakant Township.
On February 15, 2023, at 1600 hrs, combined Burma Army troops of IB (76) and LIB (13), returning after checking each house along Mawsiza (Aung Ta Ya block 1, 2), were attacked with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) at the foot of Htoi San Yang bridge by KPDF soldiers, leaving three dead, in Hpakant Township.
On February 17, 2023, at 0950 hrs, one 60mm mortar round was fired from Burma Army Mazup Yang Prison to the area beside Point. 449 where PDF were positioned, in Hpakant Township.
On February 20, 2023, at 2022 hrs, five police forces from No. 30 Police Station in a car were attacked with an IED along coordinates: 47R KJ 234 726 by PDF, leaving one police officer dead and two others wounded, in Hpakant Township.
On February 20, 2023, at 2011 hrs, IB (76) stationed at the Tatma Kawng Light Infantry Division (LID) Base fired two 81mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Nma Yang; at 1240 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Mazup Yang Prison fired seven 60mm mortar rounds to the area north of Sanghka, in Hpakant Township.
Mansi Township
On February 5, 2023, there was a clash at the head of Hka Kan village (47Q LG 420 298) between KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion and an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers. These Burma Army soldiers were providing security for an estimated 80 combined Burma Army soldiers of Infantry Battalion (IB) (47), LIBs (319, 601) who were facilitating road construction outside of Hka Kan village, in Mansi Township.
On February 8, 2023, a total of around 120 Burma Army combined soldiers: an estimated 80 combined Burma Army soldiers from IB (47), LIBs (319, 601) coming on foot along with a bulldozer from Loi Jawm Hkyet and an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers from IB (250), LIB (424) clashed with KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion at coordinates 47Q LG 432 312 near Lu Len Yang, in Mansi Township. Afterwards, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Bum Chyaw Bum fired more than ten rounds of 81mm mortar to the clash site.
On February 9, 2023, an estimated 90 combined Burma Army soldiers of IB (250), LIB (242), were attacked with four IEDs at Bang Pyi Hkret (47R LG 448 322) by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion. These Burma Army soldiers were providing security for combined Burma Army troops of IB (47), LIBs (319, 601), who were constructing a road near Hkakan, Lulen Yang. Burma Army soldiers stationed at Bum Chyaw Bum (47R LG 400 330) fired four 81mm mortar rounds to the explosion site, in Mansi Township.
On February 17, 2023, between 1030-1040 hrs, fighting broke out when around 100 Burma Army soldiers of IB (236) heading to Hanhtet were attacked with four remote mines detonating at Nat Ji Tsin (47R LG 186 578) near Munghkawng, by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, leaving four Burma Army soldiers dead, in Mansi Township.
On February 17, 2023, between 0800-0900 hrs, a clash broke out when KIA’s militiamen command detonated a remote mine against a combined Burma Army force of 100 soldiers from IBs (47, 250) and LIBs (319, 424, 601) at Banggaw Chyanam Nhkang (47R LG 423 374), leaving one militiaman wounded in the right thigh and four Burma Army soldiers dead, in Mansi Township.
On February 17, 2023, at 1638 hrs, over 90 Burma Army soldiers from IB (236), who had arrived at Munghkawng Buddhist Temple and school, were attacked by an unidentified group with ten IEDs at Hka Le Pa (47Q LG 226 514) while driving to Maji Gung Kaba with trucks, in Mansi Township.
On February 19, 2023, between 0920-1421 hrs, an estimated 45 Burma Army soldiers coming from Hka Le Pa were attacked at coordinates 47Q LG 211 503 near Laika village by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, leaving four Burma Army soldiers wounded, in Mansi Township.
On February 19, 2023, between 1500-1520 hrs, an estimated 60 Burma Army combined soldiers of IBs (47, 250) and LIBs (319, 424, 601) moving to Balawng clashed with KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion at Sara Kawng (47R LG 430 376) near Manlep village. The Burma Army soldiers were transporting food supplies and constructing the road.
On February 20, 2023, around 0600 hrs, IB (250) based at Balawng Dingsa fired two 81mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Kawng Ma Hkyet, in Mansi Township.
On February 20, 2023, at 1850 hrs, around 130 combined Burma Army soldiers of IBs (223, 236) fired four 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Pin Kadu Kawng (47Q LG 220 488).
On February 21, 2023, between 0708-0755 hrs, fighting erupted when combined KIA soldiers of 1st, 27th Battalions detonated a set of IEDs against Burma Army troops at 47Q LG 230 498 in vicinity of Tin Tan Kawng where combined KIA soldiers were positioned. Afterwards, Burma Army soldiers fired five 60mm mortar rounds at Tin Tan Kawng, in Mansi Township.
On February 21, 2023, at 0714 hrs, KIA soldiers fired mortar rounds of 60mm and 82mm at Burma Army troops arriving at Laika village.
On February 22, 2023, between 0925-0956 hrs, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion clashed with IB (223, 236) approaching along Tin Tan Bum (47R LG 230 499), in Mansi Township. Another KIA unit fired eleven 60mm mortar rounds and two 82mm mortar rounds to the clash site.
On February 22, 2023, between 1230-1315 hrs, IB (236) operating from Hka Le Pa (47R LG 226 524) clashed with KIA soldiers positioned at Tin Tan Bum Kaji.
On February 23, 2023, between 0830-1015 hrs, an estimated 100 combined Burma Army soldiers of IBs (223, 260) arriving near Laika Zup Ja village clashed with KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion around Laika Zup Ja village (47R LG 222 490), in Mansi Township.
On February 23, 2023, Between 1045-1050 hrs, an estimated 30 Burma Army soldiers with one truckload of rice bags and one bulldozer coming from Balawng Dingsa were attacked with five IEDs by an unknown group between Kahtan Kawng and Balawng Dingsa.
On February 24, 2023, between 1630-1655 hrs, one Burma Army truck carrying rice from Munghkawng Base and an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers coming from Tin Tan Bum were attacked with five IEDs and 60mm mortar rounds by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, near Zup Ja village (47Q LG 220 490), leaving two Burma Army soldiers wounded, in Mansi Township.
On February 24, 2023, At 1503 hrs, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion command detonated an IED against Burma Army troops operating at the head of Ura Bum village (47Q LG 424 435), wounding five.
On February 24, 2023, at 1100 hrs, an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers arrived at Kahtan Kawng and fired one 60mm mortar round along Ura Bum. The soldiers fired again with four rounds at 1305 hrs.
On February 26, 2023, KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion detonated eight IEDs against 100 combined Burma Army soldiers of IBs (233, 236), who advancing towards their positions from Maji Gung Kaba, in Mansi Township.
Mohnyin Township
On February 4, 2023, at 0045 hrs, two jets dropped two bombs at Nam Ma Bum (KIA’s militia front line area), in Mohnyin Township.
On February 5, 2023, at 1040 hrs, LIB (111) arrived at Lungtung village, confiscated nine backhoes from Ma Mung, Kaiji Maw (mining area), and took them to their Lungtung Base. The owners of backhoes were asked to pay Ks 3,500,000 per backhoe to get them back, in Mohnyin Township.
On February 10, 2023, at 1500 hrs, Burma Army 367th Artillery Unit fired over ten rounds of mortar/artillery that two shells landed along Nam Ma terrain and one shell landed at Nyawng Le Ai village, in Mohnyin Township.
Momauk Township
On February 14, 2023, at 1600 hrs, Mr. Maran Naw Mai, aged 50, from Dawhpum Yang stepped on a landmine (planted by Burma Army) while searching for food near Mungdung Camp, which injured his left leg, arm, and ear, in Momauk Township. The victim was rushed to Manmaw (Bhamo) hospital at 1730 hrs.
On February 16, 2023, at 2300 hrs, the Burma Army fired two rounds of 105mm howitzer from Bhamo No. 366 Artillery Base to the outskirts of Lungja Bum, Chyinghtawng Bum, in Momauk Township.
Myitkyinia Township
On February 12, 2023, between 1300-1600 hrs, an estimated 80 Burma Army soldiers on two Dyna trucks and in five Pajero cars coming from IB (29) Base arrived at Ta Yu Yang and fired over 20 rounds of 60mm mortar to the area beside Jaw Daw outpost (47R LJ 305 391). The troops retreated to Myitkyina at 1720 hrs, in Myitkyina Township.
On February 20, 2023, at 2125 hrs, around 20 Burma Army soldiers shot four rounds of small arms at a motorcycle while they were checking vehicles at a road intersection, in the vicinity of Njang Dung Balaminhtin Bridge, in Myitkyina Township.
On February 28, 2023, at 0900 hrs, LIB (381) coming from Male village were attacked with four IEDs near Mali Sut Yang by KIA soldiers from 11th Battalion. The Burma Army soldiers then fired their weapons in multiple directions at unknown targets, in Myitkyina Township.
On February 28, 2023, at 1800 hrs, combined forces of KIA and PDF fired four rounds of grenade launchers at LIB (381) coming from the side of Mogoung river near Nga Pauk Tawng monastery.
Shwegu Township
On February 3, 2023, over 40 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (602) entering Tin Baw In village from Shwegu clashed with Myola KPDF, in Shwegu Township.
On February 4, 2023, at 0630 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Shwegu Police Station fired eight 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Sin Tat (47R KG 768 814), in Shwegu Township.
On February 8, 2023, at 0711 hrs, KIA soldiers from 5th battalion clashed with over 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (77) operating forward of Myola from Shwe Nying Chan – near Nawng Gam village, leaving two Burma Army soldiers dead, in Shwegu Township.
On February 19, 2023, at 0430 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Shwegu Police Station fired four 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Lam Mali Zup (47R KG 756 759), in Shwegu Township.
On February 27, 2023, at 1545 hrs, a Burma military jet coming from Myitkyina dropped two bombs at gold-mining boats docking along Chyun Taw (47R KG 792 787), in Shwegu Township, wounding Daw Ma San, aged 52 from Pauk Kung village, and killing her son and son-in-law, Ko Than Lwe, aged 20, and Maung Naing Htet, aged 21.
Tanai Township
On February 7, 2023, at 1139 hrs, LIB (382) based at Ting Kawk village fired three 81mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Tsai Rawng Kawng; LIB (390) based at Nam Hpyek village fired five rounds of mortar/artillery to the outskirts of Ting Kawk village, in Tanai Township.
On February 14 at 2250 hrs, one Burma military jet coming from Tada Oo dropped one bomb at Muklung Bum (KIA 43rd Battalion HQ), in Tanai Township.
On February 14, 2023, between 0900-1015 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Danai ROC Base fired fifteen 120mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Lapu Hka Ja Maw, in Tanai Township.
On February 14, 2023, at 1940 hrs, LIB (390) based at Nam Hpyek village fired one 81mm mortar round and 30 rounds of small arms to the area beside Tunghkum Hka (Tunghkum river) and Nam Hpyek Hkazup (Nam Hpyek river intersection).
On February 15, 2023, at 1245 hrs, LIB (390) based at Nam Hpyek village fired one mortar round to the outskirts of Ting Hkung, in Tanai Township.
Waingmaw Township
On February 13, 2023, between 1200-1220 hrs, KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion clashed with an estimated 25 Burma Army soldiers coming from Bum Tawng, Machyang around coordinates 47R LJ 785 072, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 14, 2023, at 2100 hrs, LIB (389) based at Sadung Bum fired four 60mm mortar rounds to the outskirts of Lu Htawng, Sam Kahtawng, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 14, 2023, the Burma Army soldiers (stationed at 13-Mile) arrested eight gold mining workers along with a car of boss Ko Toe, who were mining at Namli Hka near Bum Tawng, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 16, 2023, at 2300 hrs, Burma Army soldiers from Hkaya Base fired one 60mm mortar round to the outskirts of Lailum, Tsap Gru Hkahku, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 17, 2023, at 0910 hrs, LIB (389) and Dulay (P.T.Ts) arriving at Nwan Yang (B.G.F) fired two 60mm mortar rounds and 50 rounds of small arms to the area beside Namli Hka, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 17, 2023, at 0509 hrs, one mortar round was fired from Hkaya Bum Base to the area beside Lai Lum, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 22, 2023, at 0700 hrs, KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion fired M-79 and grenade launchers at an estimated 25 Burma Army soldiers, who providing security for approximately 60 Burma Army soldiers coming in three trucks from Myitkyina at coordinates 47R LJ 694 161 near Num Maw Yang, in Waingmaw Township. Afterwards, the Burma Army soldiers and trucks entered Num Maw Yang.
On February 22, 2023, between 0900-0906 hrs, an estimated 30 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (521) coming from Sha-ngaw were attacked between Law Sa and Sani Hku by KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion.
On February 25, 2023, at 0957 hrs, approximately 110 combined Burma Army soldiers of IBs (47, 250) operating near Zau Bung Ura Bum, clashed with KIA soldiers from 3rd Battalion, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 26, 2023, at 1500 hrs, three boys were wounded after stepping on a landmine (suspected to be placed by the Burma Army) at coordinates 47R LJ 756 052 between Numli Hka and Nwan Hka Zup. The victims are identified as (1) Ngaw Ma Wu, 14, son of Mr. Hkau Si, who was seriously wounded in the chest, nose and knee, (2) Ngaw Ma Wu, son of Mr. Ngaw Paw who was wounded in the belly, and (3) Ngaw Ma Lay, son of Mr. Ngaw Lay (Dulay P.T.Ts), who was wounded in the body, in Waingmaw Township.
On February 26, 2023, at 0800 hrs, ten Burma Army soldiers from LIB (108) arrived at Nam Ngau village and confiscated mobile phones of four Kachin ladies (staff of the Game Centre) and headed to Bandawng at 1300 hrs, in Waingmaw Township.
Northern Shan State
Kutkai Township
On February 2, 2023, between 2016-2051 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kutkai Amat Thaya Kung (47Q LF 904 944) fired three mortar/artillery rounds to the sides of Nam Gut (47Q LG 896 024) and Sa Hpyu (47Q LF 906 984), in Kutkai Township.
On February 9, 2023, at 1100 hrs, an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers from IB (45) arrived at Namhpalun Pa (47Q LF 827 056) School and fired three 60mm mortar rounds that landed in the area beside Hpa Hkrip (47Q LF 849 066) village, wounding a 90 year old man Mr. Hpauda Tang on the back seriously. The victim was driven to Kutkai hospital for treatment, in Kutkai Township.
On February 9, 2023, between 0825-0900 hrs, fighting broke out at Paju crossroad (47Q LF 926 829) between KIA soldiers from 39th Battalion and an estimated 30 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99), who came from Kawng Hkam (47Q LF 931 823).
On February 9, 2023, between 1406-1430 hrs, KIA soldiers clashed with Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Kawng Hkam at Tower Station between Manpin and Kutkai, in Kutkai Township.
On February 9, 2023, at 0844 hrs, an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers from IB (45) traveling by foot from Nam Hkai (47Q LG 799 068) fired 60mm mortar rounds in the direction of Nam Hpalun (47Q LG 832 057). A clash erupted when nine Burma Army soldiers appeared in the area outside of Udang Kawng (47Q LG 844 068) where KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion were positioned, leaving one Burma Army soldier dead and one wounded, in Kutkai Township.
On February 10, 2023, at 0900 hrs, there was a clash between Burma Army soldiers from LIB (577) traveling by foot from Shu Hkin Ta (47Q LG 875 044) and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion at coordinates 47Q LG 849 066 near Hpa Hkrip village, in Kutkai Township.
On February 10, 2023, between 1240-1625 hrs, twenty-one trucks carrying Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) and supplies heading to Namhpakka from Kutkai Byuha (Kutkai Tactical Base) were attacked between 1630-1645 hrs at Yung Ngaw (47Q LG 898 020) near Man Lung crossroad by KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion. During the attack, some trucks sped up and collided with three civilians, killing a father and his son while leaving the mother’s legs broken, in Kutkai Township.
On February 11, 2023, at 0805 hrs, an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) traveling by foot to Muse from Ri Yang (47Q LG 817 216) were attacked with an IED detonating at coordinates: 47Q LG 819 217 beyond Ri Yang by KIA’s militiamen under the command of KIA 4th Brigade, leaving three Burma Army soldiers killed, in Kutkai Township.
On February 12, 2023, at 1300 hrs, an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers arrived around Nga Rem Dabang (cattle farming area, 47Q LF 927 842), while conducting clearance operation along Paju crossroad (47Q LF 926 829), stepped on two landmines near Paju, wounding two, in Kutkai Township.
On February 12, 2023, at 1240 hrs, an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) came from Yawng Bang (47Q LG 895 308) and were attacked at 1738 hrs at Tagoi Kawng (47Q LG 916 280). At 1808 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kaseng Ra (47Q LG 892 288) fired four rounds of mortar/artillery, landing at the outskirts of Kawng Sak Bum (47Q LG 921 259), in Kutkai Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 0902-0923 hrs, KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion defended an offensive of an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming on foot from Nahpai (47Q LG 884 237) – at Sai Wan Kawng (47Q LG 899 247). The attack continued between 1110-1121 hrs. The third round of clashes resumed between 1147-1158 hrs, in Kutkai Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 1616-1632 hrs, KIA soldiers clashed with an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers coming from Kawng Ra, leaving one KIA soldier wounded. Afterwards, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kawng Ra Zaibru Htu Kawng fired eight mortar rounds to the clash site.
On February 13, 2023, at 1750 hrs, fighting broke out when KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion fired at Namhkai bridge (47Q LG 799 067) where Burma Army soldiers were positioned, in Kutkai Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 1809-1821 hrs, KIA’s militiamen from 9th Battalion fired four rockets of 107mm at Namhpakka (47Q LG 811 200) IB (123) Base.
On February 13, 2023, at 2009 hrs, Burma Army soldiers stationed at Kutkai TV Station fired one 120mm mortar round to the area beside Hpa Tam Kyuhpyi Bum (worship hill) and one round to the outskirts of Nawng Hkun (47Q LF 838 933), in Kutkai Township.
On February 14, 2023, between 0748-1040 hrs, there was a clash between an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion at coordinates 47Q LG 914 274 near Kawng Yen, in Kutkai Township.
On February 14, 2023, between 0810-0900 hrs, fighting erupted between KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion and an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) at Sai Wan Kawng (47Q LG 899 247), leaving one KIA medic dead and one missing.
On February 14, 2023, one KIA soldier stepped on a landmine (presumed planted by Burma Army) at Sai Wan Kawng, and later died at 1430 hours.
On February 14, 2023, between 0810-0855 hrs, there was a clash between KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion and an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) around Bum Sen (47Q LG 900 257), causing Burma Army fatalities.
On February 14, 2023, Between 1239-1314 hrs, KIA soldiers dropped nine bombs from a drone at Burma Army troops arriving at Bum Sen. Between 1329-1645 hrs, KIA soldiers dropped six bombs from a drone at Burma Army troops arriving near Kawng Yen, causing Burma Army fatalities.
On February 14, 2023, between 1140-1156 hrs, one jet coming from Tada Oo dropped four bombs at Kayun Kawng (KIA 9th Battalion HQ), in Kutkai Township.
On February 14, 2023, at 1424 hours, one jet coming from Tada Oo strafed Kawng Yen (a deserted village) at 47Q LG 914 274.
On February 14, 2023, between 0935-1713 hrs, twelve rounds of 105mm howitzer were fired from Namhpakka IB (123) Base to Kawng Sak Bum (47Q LG 921 259, KIA 9th Battalion control area), in Kutkai Township.
On February 15, 2023, between 0829-1230 hrs, KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion clashed with an estimated 80 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) at Kawng Yen (LG 914 274, a deserted village), in Kutkai Township.
On February 15, 2023, between 1501-1821 hrs, fighting erupted between an estimated 70 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) operating from Sai Wan Kawng (LG 899 247) and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion at Kayun Kawng, KIA 9th Battalion HQ. Between 0842-1821 hrs, KIA soldiers dropped 20 bombs from drones at the clash site.
On February 15, 2023, at 1338 hrs, one jet strafed Kayun Kawng, one jet strafed a second time at 1352 hrs, and one jet strafed a third round at 1620 hrs.
On February 15, 2023, between 1621-1633 hrs, one jet strafed and dropped two bombs at Kawng Sak Bum; and two jets strafed Kawng Yen (deserted village) at 1352 hrs.
On February 15, 2023, between 1153-1544 hrs, ten 105mm howitzer rounds were fired from Namhpakka IB (123) Base to the outskirts of Kawng Sak Bum.
On February 16, 2023, at 1121 hrs, KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion dropped a bomb from a drone at Burma Army soldiers arriving at Kayun Kawng (47Q LG 913 252), in Kutkai Township.
On February 16, 2023, at 1747 hrs, there was a clash between KIA soldiers and Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) at Na Samu (deserted village, 47Q LG 916 280).
On February 16, 2023, between 2315-2320 hrs, KIAs militiamen fired fifteen grenade rounds of 79mm at Yin Koi Tawng outpost (47Q LG 796 113) where around 20 Burma Army soldiers from IB (45) were stationed. Burma Army soldiers returned with three rounds of 60mm mortar, in Kutkai Township.
On February 17, 2023, between 0848-1058 hrs, around 20 soldiers of LID (99) and Military Operations Command (MOC) (17) advancing forward from Kawng Lim (deserted village, 47Q LG 895 260) clashed with KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion along KIA 9th Battalion HQ Kayun Kawng (47Q LG 913 252) and Bum Sen Bum (47Q LG 900 257), leaving one KIA soldier dead and one wounded. Between 0848-1058 hrs, KIA soldiers dropped ten bombs from the drones at the Burma Army soldiers. Between 1036-1243 hrs, Namhpakka IB (123) Base fired fourteen rounds of 105mm howitzers to the clash site, in Kutkai Township.
On February 18, 2023, between 0700-0705 hrs, combined Burma Army troops of LID (99) and MOC (17) reaching Kayun Kawng (KIA 9th Battalion, 47Q LG 913 252) fired small arms and automatics in multiple directions at unspecified targets.
On February 28, 2023, between 0947-1000 hrs, KIA soldiers from 8th Battalion clashed with an estimated 50 Burma Army soldiers coming from Nawng Swi (47Q LF 891 994), leaving four Burma Army soldiers dead. Two 81mm mortar rounds were fired from Kutkai Asia World Gate (47Q LF 901 959) between 1019-1103 hrs; five 120mm mortar rounds were fired from Kutkai Byuha (Tactical Base) between 1030-1310 hrs; six 60mm mortar rounds were fired from Kutkai Ninsi Kung at 1238 hrs; and five 120mm mortar rounds were fired from Kutkai TV Kawng (TV Station) between 1251-1306 hrs to the clash site, in Kutkai Township.
On February 28, 2023, between 1230-1240 hrs, KIA soldiers fired seven rounds of grenade launcher at IB (241) Base, leaving two Burma Army soldiers wounded, in Kutkai Township.
On February 28, 2023, between 0947-1000 hrs, there was a clash between an estimated 20 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (577) on a public truck coming from Kutkai and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion at Nam Tun Hkaraw (47Q LG 894 005), in Kutkai Township.
Muse Township
On February 2, 2023, at 1155 hrs, PDF detonated an IED at IB (290) providing road security at coordinates: 47Q LG 900 548 near Muse Golf Field, in Muse Township.
On February 6, 2023, KIA’s militiamen command detonated three remote mines detonated at an estimated 60 Burma Army soldiers from LIB (419) arriving at P.T.Ts Kawng (47Q MG 116 519, P.T.Ts outpost), near Mungbaw market, in Muse Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 1402-1500 hrs, fighting erupted between an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) advancing forward from Na Samu (47Q LG 916 280) and KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion – at coordinates: 47Q LG 914 274 near Kawng Yen, in Muse Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 1430-1459 hrs, three 120mm mortar rounds were fired from Namhpakka IB (123) Base to the area beside Kawng Sak Bum, in Muse Township.
On February 13, 2023, between 1848-1915 hrs, KIA soldiers from 9th Battalion attacked an estimated 40 Burma Army soldiers of LIB (420) stationed at Nam Um fuel pump (47Q LG 925 358), in Muse Township.
On February 20, 2023, between 1313-1332 hrs, an estimated 100 Burma Army soldiers under LID (99) coming from Sut Chyai Yang (47Q MG 024 549) clashed with KIA soldiers from 36th Battalion at Tem Nam Kawng (47Q MG 054 543), in Muse Township.
Namhkan Township
On February 10, 2023, at 1430 hrs, over 100 combined SAC soldiers of IBs (47, 250), LIBs (319, 424, 601) arrived along Hkakan – Lulen Yang and were attacked with remote mines near Maw Swi Hkye (47Q LG 472 333) by KIA soldiers from 27th Battalion, in Namhkan Township.
Sagaing Division
Katha Township
On February 27, 2023, at 1921 hrs, one jet coming from Tada Oo dropped two bombs along Nyaung Che Htauk near Kata, in Kata Township.
Indaw Township
On February 2, 2023, at 0800 hrs, an estimated 50 SNA soldiers coming from Hwi Lung village stepped on a landmine along Na Kata village. In retaliation, the soldiers shot five civilians from Na Kata village to death, in Indaw Township.