Karenni Rangers lead children in a song and dance during a Good Life Club. |
Rangers Provide Hope Under Threat of Fire |
Ranger teams in northern Karen State provided food to over 400 IDPs while under threat of mortar fire. In central Karen State, Burma Army mortars killed a 70-year-old woman and injured her 15-year-old grandson. Karenni Rangers conducted a GLC for 100 villagers and treated 76 patients. |
Left: Rangers distribute food in Taw Oo District. Food supplies are critical when people are displaced from their homes. Right: A home in Yedashe Township that was destroyed by a Burma mortar. |
Top: Rangers distribute food in Taw Oo District. Food supplies are critical when people are displaced from their homes. Bottom: A home in Yedashe Township that was destroyed by a Burma mortar. |
The Burma Army attacked civilian areas with airstrikes and mortars in Taw Oo and Kler Lwe Htoo districts, causing two civilian casualties and destroying two houses. Rangers provided food supplies to IDPs in affected areas.
In Taw Oo District, Thandaunggyi Township, the Burma Army launched five 120mm mortars into a village on Nov. 4, destroying two houses. The same day, Rangers provided rice, cooking oil, and eggs to 410 IDPs within Thandaunggyi Township.
In Kler Lwe Htoo District, Ler Doh Township, a Burma military jet dropped two bombs and fired artillery at Kaw Tha Say on Nov. 5, damaging a farm. The Burma Army also fired a howitzer at an IDP hide site near Nge Pe Inn on Nov. 6, killing one civilian and injuring another. |
Left: A Ranger medic treats a wounded KNLA soldier. Right: The Burma Army frequently uses Y-12 Harbins to drop bombs and resupply their forces. |
Top: A Ranger medic treats a wounded KNLA soldier. Bottom: The Burma Army frequently uses Y-12 Harbins to drop bombs and resupply their forces. |
At Noh Chu Neh Village in Dooplaya District, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and People’s Defense Force (PDF) continued skirmishing with the Burma Army stationed at Annan Kwin military camp. The resistance forces attacked Burma Army troops and the military retaliated with bombings from a Y-12 airplane, resulting in minor injuries to the resistance. The Burma military also used Y-12s to paradrop supplies for their encircled troops, who have been cut off from ground resupply for weeks.
In Doo Tha Htoo District, Burma Army troops fired 60mm mortars into a house, killing a 70-year-old woman, injuring her 15-year-old grandson, and destroying the building. This attack was apparently unprovoked, and it occurred in a Burma Army-controlled area.
Please pray for the injured boy and the family of the slain grandmother as they deal with this devastating loss. |
Left: Rangers provide medical treatment at Thar Yat Village. Right: Rangers perform a Good Life Club program for children in Thar Yat Village. |
Top: Rangers provide medical treatment at Thar Yat Village. Bottom: Rangers perform a Good Life Club program for children in Thar Yat Village. |
Karenni Rangers conducted a GLC program and provided medical treatment to 100 villagers from Thar Yat Village, West Demosso Township, on Nov. 1. Karenni Rangers shared God’s love through gospel colors, taught anatomy classes, sang songs, and danced with the families. They also shared school bags and provided nutrient supplements with those who attended the program. Additionally, Ranger medics provided medical checkups and treatment to 76 patients from the village. |
Left: Aisha and her father are treated by Ranger medics in Iraq, 2017. Right: Khofran with supplies that were donated by FBR. |
Top: Aisha and her father are treated by Ranger medics in Iraq, 2017. Bottom: Khofran with supplies that were donated by FBR. |
On November 6, 2024, our team in the Middle East had the privilege of assisting several courageous individuals facing difficult times.
We visited Khofran, who was first rescued in Iraq by our FBR team in 2017, and brought her a washing machine, food and essential supplies, fuel for her heater, and shared a prayer together. Khofran expressed her heartfelt thanks: “Thank you so much for all this. I am truly happy and grateful to you. My washing machine broke down three months ago, and I’ve been washing clothes by hand. Receiving this washing machine and groceries came at just the right time. I am very happy and proud to have friends who care and love us so deeply.”
We were also able to support Aisha’s family. Aisha, remembered as the “girl in the yellow dress,” was shot in her eye and rescued in 2017 under ISIS sniper fire. Aisha is about to undergo her 7th plastic surgery. We help support her family every four months and ask for your prayers for the success of her upcoming surgery.
Our support of these friends in Iraq give us opportunities to pray with and share about Jesus’ love.
In Syria, we provided support to a family in great need. The mother, who has four children, is suffering from chest cancer. Her husband, an ambulance driver who received our FBR Appreciation Certificate for saving lives alongside our teams, has been doing all he can. The family has sold their house and car to fund her care, but they are in a very difficult situation and are grateful for any support.
We’re thankful for our team’s ongoing commitment and the generosity of everyone who makes this help possible. Please keep these brave families in your thoughts and prayers. |