While Burma Army jets attacked with over 30 bombs and destroyed two monastery buildings, Rangers treated and provided food to 89 people in Kler Lwe Htoo District and Mu Traw District.
Burma military jets dropped bombs twice in Hsaw Htee Township, Kler Lwe Htoo District, injuring three villagers and destroying four houses. A Burma military jet dropped bombs and fired three rockets into Cho Inn Village on Feb. 19, killing two cows, injuring three villagers, and damaging two houses. Rangers gave medical treatment and provided food to 89 people in Pa Inn IDP site on Feb. 22. Two men from Madauk were abducted by Burma Army and sent to Infantry Battalion (IB) 57. After three weeks of imprisonment, the men’s family paid 20 million kyats to the Burma Army, and one man was released on Feb. 18. In Ler Doh Township, on Feb. 22, a Burma military jet dropped bombs on Y-Chen Village monastery and destroyed two buildings.
Burma Army used aircraft to drop over 30 bombs on Ka Ter Ti Village and one Bamar People’s Liberation Army (BPLA) soldier died in Dwe Loh Township, Mu Traw District. On Feb. 16, Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped 30 120mm mortars on Ka Ter Ti Village. In addition, on Feb. 18, Y-12 aircraft dropped bombs on the same village near a Burma military camp. On the same day, in that village, there was an armed clash between the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and Burma Army. The fighting between the two groups on Feb. 19 killed one BPLA soldier. On Feb. 21, Burma Army snipers shot one KNLA soldier in the chest in Ka Ter Ti Village. Rangers gave first aid and transported him to a clinic. |