Report Summary: The Burma Army is pressing its attack into Muthraw district and there are over 2,500 newly displaced people. Most people were not able to plant new crops and are fleeing with only the food they can carry and very little shelter.
The Burma Army is pressing its attack into Muthraw district and there are over 2,500 newly displaced people. Most people were not able to plant new crops and are fleeing with only the food they can carry and very little shelter.
Burma Army MOC 10, with three battalions, mortared Naw Yo Hta Village from Ler Mu Plaw Burma Army Camp and 10 more shells landed outside the village in NawYo Hta rice fields. MOC 10 is attacking the Naw Yo Hta Village and Kay Pu Village area, which is north of the Kyauk Kyi-Hsaw Hta Road from Ler Mu Plaw Camp. This is the third day of the attacks.
Throughout the day, the KNLA (Karen resistance) has been attempting to slow the Burma Army attacks and protect the villagers from Burma Army troops in these areas. There were four major engagements between the Burma Army and KNLA today.
An unidentified Burma Army force is expected to leave Mawchi in Karenni State (north of Muthraw District) and join the attacks. Currently LIB 363 is moving towards the Lay Kee area, which is on the border of the Karen and Karenni State and it is thought that the force from Mawchi will support this attack from the north.
Tonight, LIB 370 is located at Kwey Ley Daw Village, LIB 362 is located at Ger Baw Kee Village and LIB 363 is located at Ger Baw Kee and Ba Na Lo Kleh Villages.
At 9:30am, LIB 370 attacked in Yu Gaw Lo Der Village, close to the Htee Baw Kee area, and shot a villager named Saw Yweh Moo (over 40 years old) and burned two rice barns. They spent the night at Paw Taw Kyo, close to Htee Baw Kee. Their troop strength is 140 soldiers. *Saw Yweh Moo was not seriously injured and has now joined the KNLA (Karen resistance) as a result of the shooting. He said he was angry and wanted to help stop the Burma Army.
Burma Army LIB 370 attacks have caused Bluh Gaw, Htee Baw Kee, Blaw Koh and Htee Mu Kee villagers to flee their homes. Those villagers are in hiding now.
LIB 362 was located in Kyi Thu Kyo (also called Ler Mu Daw Koh) Village with 140 troops. This Burma Army battalion has caused the displacement of villagers from Ler Mu Plaw, Saw Mu Play, Naw Yo Hta, Ger Baw Kee and Bo Klaw Der Villages.
LIB 363 and TOC 27 stayed at Ba Na Loh They Kyo close to Sherbako. They have 380 troops and their attacks have caused villagers from Sherbako, Geh Thu Kee and Tee Shi Kee to flee their homes and hide in the jungle.
*New attacks to the south in Muthraw. Burma Army MOC 15 has launched an attack against Karen villagers with seven battalions comprised of over 700 men. They are attacking south from Pwa Gwa Camp from the Kyauk Kyi-Hsaw Hta Road. They are moving in two columns as they parallel the Bilin River and approach the Baw Gwa Village area, which is along the border of Nyaunglebin and Muthraw Districts. If this force reaches the Baw Gwa area, over 3,000 people will be displaced. (Note: Burma Army battalion strength has been dropping steadily the past three years. The average battalion is now only between 120-150 men.)
With the expected attack in the Lay Kee area, northwestern Muthraw District would be attacked by the Burma Army from the north, west and southwest.
The attacks in northern Muthraw District and the seven battalion attacking south into west central Muthraw District are the latest phase of an offensive that began in February 2006. At its height, 18,000 people were displaced and now at least 15,000 people are displaced. The KNLA (Karen resistance) is operating in small teams and attempting to slow down the attacking Burma Army and provide an early warning to villagers in its path.
On 30 and 31 May and 1 June, Burma Army DIV 66, TOC 3, IB 1, IB 5, LIB 180 captured villagers from Kler La and Kaw They Der. They captured women , including one woman who was breast feeding. These women will be used as porters to carry supplies for the Burma Army from Kler La to Naw Soe camp on the Kler La Busakee road.
The Burma Army is actively patrolling all areas of Nyaunglebin district keeping the people in hiding and re-supplying their camps. They are laying landmines and on 29 May a 5 month pregnant Karen woman stepped on one of these land-mines and was killed.
Thank you and God Bless you,
Free Burma Rangers.