Summary: Burma Army shoots relief team member, abuses and kills prisoner porter, lays landmines which claim another victim in Toungoo District. The following pictures were taken earlier by a humanitarian relief team (FBR) now in the field. The Burma Army offensive continues in the Northern Karen State of Burma with rampant abuses of civilians. The FBR and other ethnic humanitarian relief teams are providing medical and general assistance as they can.
Thank you and God bless you,
A relief team leader,
Northern Karen State, Burma.
October 9 2006.
1- This relief team member was shot and wounded while documenting the Burma Army conducting forced labor. He was able to escape and is making a full recovery and he will continue his work on the team. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for him.
2- Prisoner Porter used to carry supplies by the Burma Army in Toungoo District. He escaped and his wounds were treated and he was cared for by the Karen resistance. They gave him money and when he left them, he was recaptured and killed by the Burma Army.
3- Prisoner Porter’s wounds as a result of carrying supplies for the Burma Army.
4- Burma Army landmines laid in Toungoo District.
5- Victim of Burma Army landmine. His leg was amputated by local Karen medics. He died two days after the amputation.