Background: On the day of the election, fighting broke out between the Burma Army and a break-away faction of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA). Over 20,000 people were displaced and the fighting has spread. The Burma Army has also stepped up its attacks against the pro-democracy resistance Karen National Union (KNU). Please see Free Burma Rangers report: http://www.freeburmarangers.org/Reports/2010/20101110.html
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9 November, 2010
400 villagers flee their homes as Burma Army mortars villages
-Four hundred villagers from Choo Ka Lee, Kanel Thay Poe Lay, Paw Baw Hta, Maw Ka Noh Kee , Kwee Ta Hoe, Ka Naw Hta, Kwee Ta U and Kwee Naw Ta (all in Kawtari Township, Dooplaya District) fled and came to May Ka La Traw area. More are still coming. They are afraid and worry that Burma Army troops will mortar into the villages as the Burma Army continues to fight with DKBA troops. Many villagers from Ukrayta, Maw Ker, Lay Gaw and Thayh Baw Boe (across the Thoo Mwae river) are also fleeing.
Burma Army mortars village
-The Burma Army mortared into Mae Ka Tha Village, close to Three Pagodas Pass, Noh Ta Kaw Township, and some villagers were wounded.
Villagers wounded, buildings and property damaged
-From around 6:00pm to 7:00pm Burma Army troops based in Kya Inn Seikkyi launched 30 artillery shells into surrounding villages, including Ta Ka Klo, Ta Ka Kee, Ta Ku Kee and Kya Inn villages. Sit Byu Ha Special Operations Commander Hla Pyo, based in Kya Inn Seikkyi, is responsible. Some villagers were injured and some building plants were broken. A Ta Ka Klo villager, Myo Aung, 32 years old, was badly wounded. A house belonging to Kya Inn villager Ma Myint Hlaing was hit and damaged. A mortar hit a rubber field that had been growing for four years and is owned by Pastor Doo Ko of Kya Inn Village. Forty rubber trees were damaged by the mortar blast. Also a Bible school dining room was hit in Kya Inn Village.
10 November, 2010
17 year old girl killed by shelling as others are wounded
-Beginning at 5:30pm and continuing to 3pm the next day (11/11/10) the Burma Army in Kya Inn Seikkyi again launched 139 artillery shells. Naw Tha Dar Paw, 17 years old, was hit and died. She was a student and was studying in eighth grade. She is the daughter of Naw Kree Khay and Saw Baw Hel. At the same time, her brother Saw Too Too was badly wounded and is now in the hospital in Kya Inn Seikkyi. Five mortars also hit the school in Ta Ka Klo Village, and two houses were hit as well. The house owners are Saw Shwe Thein and Poe Kyine.
Burma Army arrests and kills villager
-The Burma Army arrested Saw Kyaw Myint, 60 years old, from the village of Noe Neh, and shot and killed him. They also arrested the local village head man and threatened to kill all the villagers if the KNLA ambushed the Burma Army again.
Burma Army forces villagers to become porters
-Burma Army Infantry Battalion (IB) 61 Battalion Commander Win Htun, started arresting villagers from Pa Loo Village in Kawtari Township, and forcing them to become porters. On the same day, Burma Army IB 97 that is based in Sa Khine Thit, led by camp officer Myo Min Htun, forced ten villagers to carry rice and food to Choo Ka Lee village. The food is for their troops.
Burma Army reinforces Three Pagodas Pass
-The Burma Army started sending more troops to Three Pagodas Pass to reinforce their forces there. They sent Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 405 Second Column, IB 106, and IB 284 from Yel Ta Kon and Ta Kon Tine as well as IB 289 from Thanpyuzaya. Currently, IB 283 and LIB 405, First Column are in the town.
KNLA Ambush Burma Army
-There was fighting between the Burma Army, Military Operations Command (MOC) 19, LIB 343, column #2 led by Officer Lwin Maung and the KNLA in Mae Taw Day, Lu Pleh Township, Pa-an District. One Burma Army soldier was killed and two were wounded.
On 14/11/10, there were two battles between the Burma Army and DKBA in War Le and Htee Nya Le. Tactical Operations Command (TOC) 3 Commander Htay Aung and IB 97 Commander Aung Myo are based in Wor Le. The first fighting happened at 9:00pm and the second was at 12:00pm.
On 16/11/10, Border Guard Force (BGF) Battalion 1015 led by Captain A’kyi under control of Mya Khine, came to Aung Pa Village, Kawtari Township, and mortared into the village, hitting the pagodas. The DKBA used nine M79 and one 60mm mortars. At 1:50pm, they fired three 60mm mortars into Noh Shwe Maw village, and a villager name Maung Naing Oo, 70 years old, was wounded on his right hand.
There are currently over 70 people hiding in the jungle close to Choo Ka Lee and over 50 people hiding close to Kwee Ta U and Kwee Ta Hoe. These IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) are having problems with shelter, because of the rains, and lack of food.
Burma Army Actions Before the Elections and the recent Fighting
On 12/9/2010 the Border Guard Forces (BGF), led by Saw Ba Loo, went to a military training camp in the Wel Ka Li. When they arrived in Mawlamyine (Moulmein), some soldiers had to return, so they arranged to do the training in Par Thein Village, Krutu Township, Dooplaya District, Karen State.
On 17/9/2010, a Burma Army soldier named Maung Min (Roll Number 312308) surrendered to KNLA Battalion 17, second company. He was formerly under the control of MOC 8. He brought with him one MA with 115 bullets, five magazines, and one set of equipment. This took place in Noh Ta Kaw Township, Dooplaya District, Karen State.
On 18/9/2010, at 10 am, the Karen Police Force (KPF) stayed in Kya K’wa, but came to surrender to the KNLA Battalion 18 in the Kawtari Township, Dooplaya District, Karen State. Among the 20 soldiers they had 4 M16s with 165 pieces of ammunition, 3 long magazines, 7 short magazines, an AK 47 with 27 pieces of ammunition, 38 hand grenades, an AR 79 with 1 piece of ammunition, 2 ICOMs, 9 uniforms, 3 sets of equipment, and 2 backpacks.
On 21/9/2010, Battalion Commander Khine Maung Htun, under the control of Commander East (TOC 3), called for the troops of the Karen Police Force (KPF) Commander, Wah Hset, based in Noh Su Net (Annakwin). SPDC took their weapons: four guns from the group based in Noh Su Set, six guns from the group based in Tha Raw Wah (Thanphyuzaya), and four guns from the group led by Khin Maung Than based in Yel Ta Kun. Two days later, Battalion Commander Khine Maun Htun left Noh Su Net and went to Three Pagodas, but his aim and plan were unknown.
On 22/9/2010 Burma Army LIB 588, Column Commander Than Htit Oo, arrived in Htee Khu Thaw Village to replace IB (Infantry Battalion) 106. There are 56 troops in the Column of LIB 588. The week before, on 15/9/2010, this column moved from Htee Khu Thaw to Wa Ka Village for three days. On the morning of 18/9/2010, they then moved from Wa Ka Village to Thai Mi Do for four days. On 22/9/2010 they returned to Wa Ka Village in Krutu Township.
On 22/9/2010 “U Shwe Chood” (a company) brought an architectural engineer to Pa Thien Village to inspect the place for building a military compound. Appointed by BGF commander Saw Ba Loo, U Shwe Chood was given the responsibility of building 59 buildings. Throughout this process, U Shwe Chood can take 385 articles. GBE Battalion 957 will build an additional 15 buildings including a battalion office, a weapon store, an ammunition store, a clinic, and a food storage building. This will take place in Krutu Township.
On 23/9/2010 at 11:00, Border Guard Force — DKBA soldiers from Htay Naing’s company (under control of Battalion Commander Saw Baloo) returned to KNLA in Khoh Ther Se Village, Kawtari Township. They brought with them 2 M16s with 470 bullets, 15 magazines, 1 carbine with 120 bullets and 7 magazines, 2 AKs with 195 bullets and 3 magazines, 1 9mm with 11 bullets and 1 magazine, 3 Yasu icons, 5 caps, 3 granades, and 6 sets of equipment. The soldiers were as follows: Saw Thoo Ler (34), Saw Wai Htoo (39), Saw Kyaw Kloh (30), Saw De (22), Saw Maung Myint (27), Saw Hsel (20), and Saw Eh Hoh Poh (27).
On 24/9/2010 at 10:20 am the second company of KNLA Battalion 16 fought with SPDC LIB 405 and IB 283 at Ka Lay Gaw Hill, which is west of Lay Poe village within the Wah Reh Township, Dooplaya District, Karen State. One SPDC solder was injured, but no Karen soldiers were hurt.
On 27/9/2010 the BFG sent 15 soldiers, led by Thain Tan and under the control of Maw Tho, to To Mine Kone Village in Kawtari Township. The soldiers stayed in the village, but their aim was unknown.
On 28/9/2010 SPDC MOC 12, IB 231, led by Soe Win Phyo demanded two bamboo poles from each house in Awl Kraw and Ywa Thin Kone, villages in Kawtari Township. The villages were told to send the bamboo to Thi Ho Tann camp.
On 29/9/2010 at 3:15 pm, 18 soldiers from the BFG, led by Thain Tan, left Ka Mae Koh and came to Aung Pa Par Doh in Kawtari Township.
On 29/9/2010, SPDC Operation #3 Commander Khin Maung Htun and LIB 283 and 405 were ambushed by KNLA 16 Battalion between A’Plo and Myi Tha in Dooplaya District. One SPDC Second Lieutenant was wounded.
On 30/9/2010 SPDC Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 230, led by Sergeant Htun Linn from the La Ta Kaw military camp, demanded 200 big trees, 2000 small trees, and 200 bamboo poles from five villages in Krutu Township. The villages, including Kawh Kel, Par Kya, Ka Mo Ka Thoo, Noh Ta Lar, and Kaw Paw, were required to send the supplies on 1/10/2010. It is very difficult in this area to get trees and bamboo.
On 2/10/2010 the Border Guard Force (BGF) under the control of Saw Ba Loo taxed a phone and some rubber fields in Kar Ma Rel Poe Village. Three rubber fields, owned by Saw La Kyi, Maung Maung, and Par Li Day, were each taxed 10,000 Kyats per acre. Two phones, owned by Kaw Wah Shee and Saw Mu, were taxed 10,000 Kyats each as well. This took place in Krutu Township.
On 4/10/2010, SPDC IB 283 did a camp exchange, replacing IB 32 in Three Pagodas camp within Wah Reh Township. IB 32, led by Commander East, TOC 3 Commander, then came down to Kru Taw Ta.
On 7/10/2010, at 8:40 am, KNLA Battalion 16, Second Company ambushed SPDC IB 32 (first and second column combined), which is under the control of the TOC 3 Commander East located in Tar Thoo Klo in Wah Reh Township. On the SPDC side there were three deaths and one injury. A villager from Tar Thoo Klo was injured as well, but is no longer in critical condition.
On 9/10/2010, at 9:15 am, there was a thirty minute battle between KNLA Battalion 16 and SPDC LIB 410 first column & IB 32 first and second column combined at Htee Kler Kee, which is in Wah Reh Township. Three SPDC solders were injured, but there were no injuries on the KNLA side.