Woman Volunteer in Critical Condition after a Burma Army Attack
8 March 2022
Karenni State, Burma
Dear friends,
Please pray for Elizabeth, 25, pictured below on the right and Rozaru, 18, on the left, here delivering food for a relief program. They were hit by a Burma Army 122 mm mortar shell at 10 a.m. this morning and Elizabeth has serious head injuries and is close to death; Rozaru is OK with an arm injury.
The Burma Army sent jet fighters to bomb a church at 2 a.m. this morning at Sung Du La Village west of Demoso, Karenni State. Bombs wrecked the church and the few remaining villagers fled. Elizabeth and Rozaru went to assist the villagers. When they arrived at 10 a.m., the Burma Army launched a mortar attack that injured them both. They are now being treated at a remote clinic and need prayer, Elizabeth especially as she is unconscious with fragments of the mortar shell in her brain. Both of these young ladies are new volunteers and were mature beyond their years and ran all the logistics for all our relief missions in Karenni State. They also helped run the Good Life Club program for children. Their injury is tragic and evil. We are so sad and hurt at their suffering. We pray for healing for both and especially for Elizabeth in Jesus’ name. There are photos of the these two ladies below delivering food, being treated, and of damage to the church.
Thanks and God bless you,
Dave, family, and FBR