Field Report: Burma Army Massacres Civilians and Buddhist Monks in Shan State and Kills Children in Karen State, 8 March – 12 March
13 March 2023
**Warning: Graphic Content
Below are two reports of egregious acts of violence against civilians by the Burma Army. They are sobering examples of the many atrocities the Burma Army is committing all over Burma.
Field Report: Burma Army Massacres 22 Civilians, Including Three Monks
On 9 March 2023, the Burma Army launched an attack near Nan Nane Village in southern Shan State, near the Karenni State border. The nearby Karenni Ranger team helped other local groups to evacuate as many villagers as possible from Nan Nane on the 9th as the fighting began, but 30 villagers stayed behind in the Buddhist monastery. The fighting continued though the 10 March and the team attempted to return to rescue the villagers who had stayed in the monastery; however, they were unable to reach the village due to heavy Burma Army mortar fire.
On 11 March, the Burma Army swept through the village. On 12 March, after the Burma Army had moved through, the FBR team and local resistance groups entered the village. At the monastery, they found the dead bodies of 22 villagers, including one woman and three monks, all of whom had been shot. Eight of the villagers who stayed behind are still missing.
The Ranger team in the area is helping evacuate villagers to safer areas as heavy fighting continues.

Field Report: Burma Army Continues to Murder Children in Karen State
8 March 2023, Doo Tha Htu District, Karen State, Burma
Thaton Township: While children prepared for school, did morning chores, and sat down to eat breakfast, the Burma Army Artillery Bn 204 fired eight rounds of 120mm mortars into Kruu Man Village, starting at 7:15am. Two children were killed in this attack by the Burma Army: 14-year-old Saw Tay Phyaw was hit in the back by shrapnel and 7-year-old Naw Win Win was hit in the face and head. At the same time, 46-year-old Naw Ku Nu Poe and 9-year-old Saw Nah Dah Mu were both wounded.
The majority of the over-1000 villagers have now fled into the jungle or moved to relatives’ homes in nearby villages. In the chaos of fleeing, some families were separated and are still seeking to be reunited.