Karenni Rangers Provide Frontline Medical Relief
Karenni State, Burma
6 February 2024
In late December 2023, the Karenni Ranger team collaborated with Free Volunteer Myanmar (FVM) to deliver a comprehensive aid initiative in Be Too Under Village, Southern Shan State. The program included a Mobile Medical Clinic, a Good Life Club (GLC) program, and food assistance for 90 internally displaced persons (IDPs). Additionally, the team engaged in front-line medical evacuations to the resistance coalition, specifically KNDF Regiment-1 and allied groups, during an attack on a Burma Army camp, resulting in one reported death and two wounded individuals.
From December 19 to 23, the Karenni Rangers conducted a relief mission to two of the nine IDP camps in Mese Township. In Lo Bar Kho Hospital on December 18, they extended aid to IDPs displaced from downtown Loikaw City, offering a GLC program, medical treatment, and a meal for 90 people in collaboration with FVM. The Rangers also engaged in educational activities, providing air attack drills and basic first aid training to students at HoYa Village High School on December 17.
On December 17, the team carried out a variety of initiatives, including GLC programs, medical training, and aid deliveries in Taw Khu Old Village, Htee Bue Dee Khu IDP camp, Wai Kya Khaw IDP camp, and Sa Lae Lone IDP camp. They responded to a Burma military airstrike on Loi Nan Pha Village, offering medical aid and evacuations, although no injuries were reported. The month saw the Karenni Rangers actively involved in frontline medical care, evacuations, and aid provision during clashes between coalition forces and the Burma Army in various locations, highlighting their multifaceted efforts to address the complex humanitarian situation in the region.

29 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team partnered with Free Volunteer Myanmar (FVM) to provide a GLC program, a Mobile Medical Clinic, and food for 90 IDPs in Be Too Under Village in Southern Shan State.
29 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team provided medical evacuations and support to the resistance coalition, KNDF Regiment-1 (BO-3, BO-11, BO-22), PNDF (Pa-Oh), and PDF, who attacked the Burma Army camp. The KNDF reported one death and two wounded.
25 December 2023: The Karenni Rangers provided GLC programs to IDPs in Do Wey Raw Village.
19 – 23 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team conducted a relief mission to Mese Township, which was entirely displaced by fighting in the area. Families displaced from Hol Sel, Na Ma, and Wa Ka are expected to return home soon. IDPs displaced from Pa Tain and Jaw Sue in the Bawlakhe area are waiting for landmines to be cleared and then will return home. The village of Pa Tin has been completely destroyed, so IDPs must remain in an IDP camp. Six of the nine IDP camps in Mese Township are managed by the KNPLF. The KNPLF is refusing to let Karenni Rangers access the camps out of fear of Burma Army air attacks. All camps need food and medicine, and the Karenni Rangers are working to identify and provide aid to all those sheltering in the jungle.
18 December 2023: The Karenni Rangers visited IDPs located at Lo Bar Kho Hospital. These IDPs were displaced from downtown Loikaw City (Na Nat Taw Quarter, Daw U Khu Quarter, and Htay Nyar Lyar Quarter). The Rangers provided a GLC program to 90 people and medical treatment to 25 individuals. The team partnered with FVM to provide the IDPs with lunch.
17 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team visited HoYa Village High School to teach an air attack response plan and basic first aid to 300 students.
17 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team conducted a GLC program in Taw Khu Old Village for 120 people. The village has a school – kindergarten through 12th grade – with 80 students and 16 teachers. The teachers requested materials to build a new class and medical supplies for their camp.
13 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team partnered with Nan Phe Baptist Church to provide a GLC program and Christmas celebration to 78 people.
17 December 2023: The Karenni team partnered with IEC to provide mortar response training to civilians in Htee Bue Dee Khu IDP camp. The training will help villagers better respond to mortar attacks from the Burma Military.
17 December 2023: At 1630 the Burma Army used two attack jets to bomb the main road in Loi Nan Pha Village. The Karenni Ranger team responded to provide medical aid and evacuations but no injuries were reported. The attack damaged civilian infrastructure in the area.
17 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team conducted a GLC program for 40 people in Wai Kya Khaw IDP camp. The Karenni Ranger provided medical treatment and food to the 174 people in this camp. The camp needs tarps to improve the condition of their shelters in the camp.
17 December 2023: The Karenni Rangers provided mortar attack training, medical treatment, and a GLC program to 90 IDPs living in Sa Lae Lone IDP camp. The school in the IDP camp was provided with learning materials, tarps, and money for the 11 teachers and 62 students.
12 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger team provided front-line medical care, evacuations, and a CCP to coalition forces (KNDF, PDF, and URF) who attacked the Burma Army position in Saung Nan Khe Village. The team treated 11 wounded and reported two casualties.
10 December 2023: The Karenni Rangers provided medical support to the KNDF as they pushed the Burma Army out of the Daw Oo Khu Police Station. The Karenni Ranger team reported 12 injuries, one frontline medical evacuation, and four deaths. One Karenni Ranger was injured by 120mm mortar shrapnel.
6 December 2023: The Karenni Ranger evacuated a KNDF soldier who was injured in the abdomen by a Burma Army sniper.
4 December 2023: From 0900 to 1000, the Karenni Rangers provided frontline medical relief to resistance forces who attacked Pon Chaung Burma Army camp. The Karenni Rangers reported six dead and eight wounded. A Burma Army 120mm mortar attack injured 7 of the eight total wounded.
2 December 2023: At 1000, the Burma Army clashed with coalition forces (KNDF, KNPFL, and Loikaw PDF). During the engagement, the Karenni Ranger team provided frontline medical relief.
1 December 2023: The Karenni Rangers provided front-line medical relief and evacuation to support coalition forces’ attack on Pan Chaung Burma Army camp. The Karenni Ranger team reported two wounded and six dead.