WEEKLY DISPATCH | Sep 16, 2024 | Free Burma Rangers

September 26, 2024


Weekly Update 24-9-26-2

Rangers in Central Karen State treat a KNLA soldier who was wounded in a clash with the Burma Army.

Ranger Teams Work to Provide Aid Amid Increased Conflict 

Burma Army attacks increased from last week, with civilians either caught in the crossfire or deliberately targeted by the junta. Hundreds of bombs were dropped on villages in Central Karen State alone. Resistance forces across Burma took territory, but sustained casualties. Ranger teams were at the front lines, helping evacuate and treat wounded and providing aid to to those displaced.


Left: Yen Myit Zaw, a civilian who was killed by the Burma Army after being used as a human shield.

Right: Toe Ta Dah Burma military camp, captured by the KNLA. 

The Karen Liberation Army (KNLA) captured Toe Ta Dah Burma military camp on 16 Sept., forcing the Burma Army to withdraw to Tha Seik, Kler Lwe Htoo District. Resistance forces found a Military Operations Command (MOC) 11 uniform in the camp alongside dozens of mortar rounds, grenades, and landmines. After finishing their search, they razed the camp and the surrounding jungle to deny future use to the Burma Army. The following day, KNLA forces pursued the withdrawing Burma Army force, resulting in a clash with no reported casualties.

According to Ranger reports, flooding still has severe impacts in Kler Lwe Htoo District. This week, the Rangers provided rice sacks to families in Oktwin Township and Htantabin Township who are located on the Sittaung River and are especially susceptible to flooding. FBR contributed over $3,000 to provide critical supplies to families impacted in this area.


Left: Ranger medic teams treat a KNLA soldier wounded by Burma Army grenades.

Right: A home in Ahnankwin Village that was damaged in a Burma military bombing run.

Amidst rising tensions, the KNLA faced relentless airstrikes and artillery fire from the Burma Army, leading to injuries and significant destruction in Ahnankwin Village, Dooplaya District. On 15 Sept. at approximately 2130 hours, the KNLA attempted to seize the Burma Army’s Ahnankwin base. During the action, two KNLA soldiers were wounded by enemy grenades. Throughout the day, the Burma Army launched indirect howitzer fire, targeting Ahnankwin Village. FBR medics treated the injured soldiers and promptly transported them to the hospital for treatment.

The following day from 1230 to 1322 hours, Burma military Y-12 aircraft conducted eight separate bombing runs, dropping around 100 bombs on Ahnankwin Village, specifically targeting areas where KNLA forces were stationed. From 16 to 19 Sept., the Burma Army conducted several aerial supply drops. A Y-12 aircraft dropped 31 packages (11 parachutes and around 20 cargo packages), some of which were seized by the KNLA. A Mi-35 helicopter also delivered 12 supply packs. Reliance on air drops indicates that this battalion lacks the ability to deliver supplies via road systems. On 17 Sept., around 1430 hours, a 155-mm howitzer fired by the Burma Army destroyed approximately 20 betel plants belonging to a local villager in Than Pu Yar Chaung Phyar (Panaw Kalae Khee), Dooplaya District, with some debris landing in the village.


Left: IDP children receiving Gospel bracelets.

Right: A Ranger leads a basic health lesson.

Karenni Rangers hosted two Good Life Club (GLC) programs on 17 and 18 Sept. to care for 520 displaced children in Daw Kha Raw Khu IDP Camp, Hpruso Township, and Khar Bal IDP Camp, Ho Yar Township. The GLC programs consisted of entertainment, the Gospel, basic health education, a meal, and the second program included a medical clinic. Please pray for the displaced people of Burma, that their needs would be met and that they know they are loved. 


Weekly Update 24-9-26-1

Rangers take cover during a Burma military jet flyover.

Resistance forces continued their push north into Southern Shan State from Northern Karenni. On 20 Sept., elements of the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) and the People’s Defense Force (PDF) liberated Ta Ron Moe Village, PheKhon Township, from Burma Army control. The clash began at 0930 and continued throughout the day. The Burma military employed small arms, sniper fire, 120 mm mortars, and airstrikes by two jet fighters that dropped 250-pound bombs and used 20 mm strafing fire to attack resistance forces, resulting in two dead and 15 wounded amongst resistance troops. Reports state high Burma Army casualties but exact numbers are unknown. Karenni Rangers were on site to care for the wounded and document the clash. 


Left: Ghofran fully healed in Erbil with our team and her husband in 2024.

Right: Pastor Rashad and our Middle East Director, Dlo, at the church plant in Syria.

FBR cherishes our connections with people we serve. One of them is Ghofran, whom God allowed us to save in a Pepsi factory back in May 2017, when the Iraqi Army expelled ISIS from Mosul. We’ve continued to offer her and her husband both financial and medical support. We were able to help get the family moved into another apartment, thanks to the generosity of our donors. This past week, we also contributed $3,000 to help establish a new church in Syria and provided financial assistance to local families in Erbil.
