WEEKLY DISPATCH | Sep 16, 2024 | Free Burma Rangers

March 13, 2025


Rangers evacuate an injured resistance soldier to a casualty collection point in Karenni State.

Rangers Sacrifice to Help Civilians on the Front Lines

Burma military bombings occurred across our areas of operation this week. In Karen State alone, our teams recorded nine bombings, primarily affecting civilians and civilian infrastructure. A Ranger medic, Naw Say Moo Paw, was caught in one of these bombings and was killed as she helped treat wounded. 


Left: Rangers treat a civilian after a Burma military airstrike in Mone Township.

Right: Deceased Ranger medic Naw Say Moo Paw.

In Kler Lwe Htoo District, the Burma military launched multiple attacks, causing multiple casualties and displacing over 5000 villagers. In Taw Oo District, two healthcare workers, including a Ranger medic, were killed and another healthcare worker injured by Burma military airstrikes.

In Kler Lwe Htoo District on Mar. 3, shelling by the Burma military destroyed one house in Mone Township. Two days later, an attack in Hsaw Htee Township injured one civilian. On Mar. 6, a Burma military jet bombed a village in Mone Township, killing three civilians and injuring another two, who received treatment from Ranger medics. Later the same day, Burma military Y-12 aircraft dropped 14 bombs in nearby villages, causing damage to multiple buildings and fields, but no further injuries were recorded. The next day, two rounds of shelling with 81mm mortars by the Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 599 in the same township injured 6 civilians, which were also treated by Ranger medics. Due to these attacks, a total of 5058 villagers from 1059 households in 10 villages in the region have been reported displaced into the jungle. On Mar. 9, in Ler Doh Township, two mortars were fired by the Burma Army IB 264, damaging a monastery and a firewood store; however, no casualties were reported. 

On Mar. 8, 2025, in Taw Oo District, while serving at a casualty collection point, Ranger medic Naw Say Moo Paw was targeted in an airstrike by the Burma military who dropped incendiary bombs on the medics. She suffered severe burns across most of her body but fought bravely for a day before succumbing to her wounds. Another medic was killed instantly, while a third was seriously wounded. The loss of Naw Say Moo Paw has left us in shock and mourning.


Left: A bomb crater from a 500lb bomb at A Soon Village.

Right: Rangers training other rangers in Dooplaya.

In central Karen State, Dooplaya District, construction progressed on the FBR Dooplaya District headquarters building, while Rangers conducted a medical and casualty evacuation training for some Karen frontline soldiers, sharing their learned skills. The Burma Army attacked in this area, using mortars, airstrikes, and rocket attacks, injuring five people and damaging infrastructure. Doo Tha Htoo District also saw Burma Army airstrikes and drone attacks, but no damage was reported.


In Doo Tha Htoo District, on Mar. 3 at 0100, the Burma military bombed Sindwin Village but no infrastructure damage or injuries were reported. Later that morning, in Pyin Ka Toe Village at 1030, Burma Army troops launched a drone attack, dropping four bombs. Not all the bombs detonated and no one was injured; however the threat of unexploded ordnance remains.


In Dooplaya District, on Mar. 4 in Boak Dai Village, a Burma Army fighter jet dropped 500lb bombs and fired rockets, damaging both the school and some rubber trees in the area. One child and a man named Daw Thu Zar Htwe (39 yrs) were injured.


On Mar. 5, in A Soon Village, the Burma Army bombed the house of Naw Moe Pa Lit (28 yrs) with two 500lb bombs which impacted at the front and back of the home, damaging in total: three homes, a toilet facility, a water tank and a rice barn. Naw Moe Pa Lit was injured in the left leg, and her aunt, Naw Than Aye (62 yrs) sustained a minor injury to her forearm.


On Mar. 8, in Dooplaya District, a Burma military jet from Tada Oo Airbase dropped two 500lb bombs on Kyaik Don Tsp’s bridge which is situated between Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) battalions 18 and 17. Saw Kyaw Nu Aye, an 18-year-old soldier from KNLA Battalion 18, was injured in this attack. 


Rangers evacuate an injured resistance soldier to a casualty collection point.

In Baw Lake Township, on Mar. 5, combined troops of Karenni Army (KA), Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF), and other resistance groups attacked three Burma military bases in Bawlake Town, Karenni State. The Burma Army responded with machine guns, drones, mortars and airstrikes. After the fighting, the combined resistance group seized one Burma military camp. Three resistance soldiers were killed in the battle and 19 were injured. One Karenni Ranger was wounded by a drone strike. Karenni Rangers along with Pa-Oh Rangers gave medical treatment in those three places, treating the 19 injured resistance soldiers. 


Rangers playing games with IDP children hiding in the jungle near Nyaung Pin Kwin Village.

Rangers encouraged IDPs at two sites in Mergui Tavoy District after a military airstrike displaced civilians and injured KNLA soldiers.

A Burma military K-8 jet fighter dropped a 250lb bomb on the western side of the Karen National Union (KNU) forest gate and three more 250lb bombs near a KNU military checkpoint on Mar. 5, in Ta Naw Three Township, before firing at Theinkhon Village. As a result, two KNLA soldiers and one Ranger were injured at the forest gate.

Rangers conducted a GLC program at an IDP site near Nyaung Pin Kwin Village, playing games with approximately 20 children and adult IDPs. Near Theinkhon Village, Rangers met with and encouraged approximately 200 IDPs who had been displaced by the military airstrike on Mar. 5. We are grateful for our partners, the Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People (CIDKP), the Karen Youth Organization (KYO), and the Karen Department of Health and Welfare (KDHW), who participated in these visits and provided medical treatment and food for the IDPs at both of these camps.

Please pray for the healing of the injured soldiers and Ranger and also for the protection and well-being of these IDPs.
